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N.M. should lead on methane rules

The Bureau of Land Management has taken an important step in protecting New Mexico’s air and environment by proposing new rules on methane venting and flaring. The proposed regulations are common sense first steps that must be taken to protect New Mexico’s unique landscape for future generations of hunters, anglers and outdoor enthusiasts. Some people do not see things this way, and sadly they are the very people who should be looking out for New Mexico’s future.

Recently, city, county and economic development officials asked the state’s congressional delegation to modify the proposed rules citing economic loss. The officials say the proposed rules will lead to the permanent closure of wells in the San Juan Basin and can lead to additional job loss. The truth is, the proposed rules will benefit New Mexico by closing loopholes and putting more money back into taxpayer pockets. Money will also go towards conservation efforts which will benefit sportsmen and women across the state – sportsmen and women who also contribute significantly to our economy through licenses and recreational activities. I’m writing to encourage elected officials to support the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed methane rules. We must not be shortsighted when it comes to the health and protection of our environment in New Mexico, and opposition to these rules is exactly that. Let’s lead the way on methane pollution and make the right call for our environment and economy.

Susan Torres


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