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Nation Briefs

Kerry orders review of record-keeping

WASHINGTON – The State Department has ordered an internal audit of its recordkeeping, officials said Friday, outlining a top-to-bottom look at the agency’s practices in the aftermath of revelations that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton used a private email account and server during her tenure.

The State Department released a letter that Secretary of State John Kerry sent to the department’s inspector general earlier this week, asking for the review and calling it critical to “preserve a full and complete record of American foreign policy” and for the U.S. public to have access to that information. Among the questions he outlined were how best to retain records in light of changing technology, the agency’s global presence and increasing demands from Congress.

State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke told reporters Friday the review would include the archiving of emails.

U.S. economic growth slow, but healthy

WASHINGTON – The U.S. economy’s tepid performance last quarter – a 2.2 percent annual growth rate, the government said Friday – was typical of the economic rebound that began in the summer of 2009.

Yet the generally sluggish pace of the U.S. recovery masks a sign of strength: This growth spurt has proved to be one of the most durable since World War II. And it seems at no risk of ending anytime soon.

The economic recovery will mark its sixth anniversary in June, meaning it will have already lasted 14 months longer than the average expansion since World War II.

Associated Press

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