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No one tops Bobby Lieb’s qualifications

Generally, we would not presume to tell anyone how to vote on a particular candidate, but in the case of Bobby Lieb, we make an exception. Our history with the Lieb family goes back to the period of time when they arrived in Durango.

Over the years, we have been impressed with the time and talent that Bobby has dedicated to our community in so many ways, up to and including his service as a county commissioner. All of his efforts on our behalf and for the good of the community are almost innumerable.

His campaign for county treasurer is one that is built on the trust of his constituents and the trust of those who see him in one of the county’s more important roles. We know of no one more qualified than Bobby, and he will have our support and, we hope, yours as well. Thanks for your consideration in the coming election.

Jerry and Kris Poer


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