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Not so fast on claimed fluoride danger

Regarding the letter “

1. The range of error for the WPSI (IQ test used for the 3-4 year olds) is ± 6, invalidating the findings.

2. Why were only boys (girls showed no influence) affected?

3. Socioeconomic status and living conditions/family nurturing were not considered and are both known to have dramatic effects on IQ testing in preschoolers

4. No fluoride levels were done on the children. No tests for environmental toxins like lead were done or even considered.

5. The “articles” referred to by the author of the letter to the editor were based on poor scientific principles and in fact do not show fluoride as a toxin at levels under 4 ppm (current water fluoride level recommendation is 0.7).

6. Several of the articles referred to by the author of the letter to the editor were drawn from populations in China, India, Pakistan and the Rift Valley of Africa where fluoride levels in natural ground water to which the population is exposed are in excess of 45-95 ppm! These levels are known to be toxic.

We know that fluoride in high concentrations is toxic, just like most any substance (i.e., excess water intake results in seizures from hyponatremia, and excess milk intake results in iron deficiency anemia) – however, we still need water and calcium for optimal health.

C. Eve J. Kimball

Reading, Pennsylvania