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NRA analogous to Taliban, Hamas, al-Qaida

David Petersen’s comparison of the NRA to “religious extremists” could not be more to the point (Letters, Herald, March 16). I now and then visit gun shops specifically to lure NRA wackos into discussions regarding gun-control measures. I also occasionally, when I’m searching magazine racks for fly-fishing publications, read through the 27 or so gun periodicals I see prominently positioned.

From this baseline, I’d characterize the following as representative NRA extremist notions: 1) The Second Amendment gives us a right to conceal and carry. Plainly, it doesn’t. 2) Any limitations placed on magazine capacities violate our right to “keep and bear.” Palpable balderdash, that! 3) Universal background checks and requiring applicants to pay for their own background checks also is contrary to the Second Amendment. The logic here utterly eludes me.

As Petersen points out, extremists, including those who enwomb themselves in the NRA, are scary – scary because they cannot abide any questioning of the off-the-wall beliefs they embrace as truth that is its own testimony. In this, the NRA is analogous to the Taliban, al-Qaida and Hamas. So, well said, Petersen.

Tom Wright


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