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Of cattle, sheep and need for deputies

Andrew Gulliford’s recent article (“The Woolly West,” Oct. 13) was indicative of these extremely divisive times!

Sheep and cattle ranchers are not always opposed to each other and both often have respected histories. Neither sheep nor cattle people can be generalized as to one being better than the other.

Our current La PLata County Sheriff is not a bad guy, nor is his opponent Charles Hamby. The county population has grown much and we need changes that will put more deputies on patrol. It takes to too long to respond to the more outlying areas, e.g., we need changes so that more than two deputies per shift are responsible for such a large area south of the 160. Leadership, high morale, available backup and good pay provide the needed deserved incentives to recruit and maintain fine deputies. We can’t afford to lose so many deputies.

I’m hopeful that Hamby will be able to create the needed changes in the LPCSO.

Geregory Gummersal
