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Officials, please consider residents

In this newspaper on Sunday (Herald, Dec. 8), an article discussed stormwater infrastructure. Our Director of Public Works Bob Lowry stated over the last 10 years, a total of $2.8 million was spent on storm drainage and believes everyone in town should be prepared to see that cost raised to $2.3 million per year (yikes, that’s a huge increase), with another dreaded hike to the monthly bill for city dwellers.

The drinking water infrastructure needs to be completely dug up in town, too. Another article revealed large holes in those pipes. Think about treated water compromised that you wouldn’t want a baby baptized in. Cha-ching, a fix increase for us once again.

I get it, town dwellers don’t want flooded streets in their neighborhood when new grates could keep to-go coffee cups and other debris from clogging up storm drainage outlets, and who wants contaminated drinking water out of our taps? What I don’t get is why residents in town are expected to hold the bag. Tourists use the same pipes and pay a large fee above the cost of their stay. Some, not all, of that fee could help us out.

Powers that be, consider the folks living here who have house or rental expenses going sky high and manage the money better, please, so we don’t have to move.

Sally Florence
