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Online subscribers to The Durango Herald to receive improved access

New ‘Circ Store’ will rid readers of online account issues

Paid subscribers to The Durango Herald’s website will have an easier time managing their accounts beginning Thursday.

Circ Store, a “pay meter” system, will give readers greater control over their subscription and account settings.

The new system will allow subscribers to fix problems themselves or work with the Circulation Department directly rather than through the third-party Wallit system, which has given readers limited control over their online experience.

An easy-to-find login will be located in a pull-down menu located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen – sometimes called the “hamburger” for the three lines stacked on top of each other. Subscribers will receive immediate access to the Herald’s website upon signing up.

Once users are logged in, they will not be logged out unless they choose to do so themselves.

Subscribers will receive an email with new login information Monday and have the choice to reset their password or use the generic password provided by the Herald.

The new system will go into effect Thursday.

For more information, call the Circulation Department at 375-4530.

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