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Our view: 2024 goodbyes, thank-yous

Our community is made up of incredible people. Talented, dedicated, working to make our little corner of the state a better place. Every year we lose some of the best, prematurely or naturally, and those who moved on after making an important community contribution.

In January, Durango Police Chief Bob Brammer was appointed assistant city manager after 20 years in law enforcement, the last five as Chief. February brought the chilly and premature passing of Bill Roberts, 27-year opinion editor for the Herald and Journal. We miss his insights and wry wit. Also in February, Jessica Matlock, La Plata Electric Association CEO of five years stepped down to lead another coop in Oregon. March brought the announcement that FLC president Tom Stritikus accepted another post as president of Occidental College, and Sixth Judicial Attorney Christian Champagne accepted a senior counsel position in Colorado AG Phil Weiser’s office. And in April, Jack Llewellyn, the 17-year CEO of the Durango Chamber took a new job as GM of Hutton Broadcasting.

Dan Bender, 37-year veteran of the La Plata County Sheriff’s office left us early, passing in July. In August, Mary Monroe Brown, 19-year executive director of Durango Trails, announced she’d be stepping down, and Ann Marie Swan moved on after ably serving the Herald and Journal for 2.5 years as opinion editor. And the creative world took a big hit with the September early passing of Karyn Gabaldon and Nancy Brockman, both losing their battles with cancer. They left a mark. Mike Elliott, who died of natural causes, and Jonathan Abshagen who died prematurely doing what he loved, did, too, in October. The larger-than-life historian and FLC professor Duane Smith died in November, and the kind, compassionate accomplished alpinist Kurt Blair died in a climbing accident on New Zealand’s Mt. Cook in early December. Also this month, Rep. Barbara McLachlan completed four terms with numerous significant accomplishments.

To all of you, thank you and adieu.