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Our View: Dave Woodruff for City Council

Dave Woodruff easily answered our questions about Durango’s most pressing issues – housing, business, transportation, taxes, recreation and more.

But, mostly, Woodruff impressed us with the suggestion that it’s the person elected to the seat more than his or her stance on issues. And he’s right.

It’s one thing to feel enough passion for local goings-on that a citizen decides to run for office, implement change and make a difference in our beloved city. It’s quite another to underline that no matter the situation or scenario – however controversial – he has the skills, attitude and temperament to actionably deal with whatever crosses his desk.

We’re confident that Woodruff will seamlessly transition to Council chambers. He will step right in and be a positive force in working with current Councilors.

After Woodruff’s extensive experience in the restaurant/hospitality sector, he knows how to engage and support people around him. He understands the economic landscape of our community, especially after scaling the steep learning curve brought by COVID-19. He’s overly familiar with the day-to-day operations of a business.

Woodruff earned a degree in elementary education from Kansas State University. He’s lived in the Durango area since early 2005, working with PEAK Food & Beverage for the past 17 years, the last 10 managing El Moro Spirits & Tavern.

Woodruff emphasized that Durangoans can be both pro-business and compassionate by recognizing the headwinds facing our workforce, and he lifted up ideas on how to address them.

The restaurant business is tough and Woodruff will bring that work ethic to one of the Council seats. He says he’s a voice of reason – always appreciated – especially after recent contentious moments among Councilors.

A family man, Woodruff envisions the best possible version of Durango for his children.

We’re pleased to endorse him.