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Our View: Let Treasurer Grushkin continue

In November 2023, the La Plata County commissioners appointed Ann “Moni” Grushkin to serve as La Plata County treasurer to succeed Alison Aichele, who resigned in July 2023.

This election, voters will indeed have a choice for treasurer, though they may have to dig a bit to find out who else is running because the ballot lists Moni as Unaffiliated and Write In: next to which there is a blank line.

The Herald’s editorial board is happy to help. The person who filed with the secretary of state as a write-in candidate is Miles Walsh, a local accountant and Democrat who filed to run after noticing there were no candidates listed on the primary ballot.

Grushkin is running unaffiliated and therefore did not appear on a primary ballot. She did have to petition to make the general election ballot and secured 638 signatures of the 547 needed. Walsh was not required to collect signatures.

Only ballots with Walsh’s name will count as a write-in vote, as Tiffany Lee, La Plata County clerk and recorder, joked (Herald, Wed., Aug. 28, 2024), “otherwise Mickey Mouse and Van Halen would be president.”

The treasurer oversees the collection, management and distribution of tax dollars to county taxing authorities. And as a public trustee, the position also serves as a neutral third party with county foreclosures and administers the sale of those properties.

One thing both candidates agree on is the nonpartisan nature of the job. We are glad to see Grushkin commit to this approach since Day One on the job. We also very much appreciate and would like to thank Walsh for stepping up to the contest.

With Grushkin’s varied background in banking, technical project management and finance, all requiring a significant amount of accurate detail and customer service, and a year in the job under her belt, La Plata County residents will continue to benefit from Grushkin’s experience.

The Herald’s editorial board suggests a vote for Moni Grushkin for La Plata County treasurer on Nov. 5.