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‘Our workforce deserves better’

Unbelievable. Here we go again: Another million-dollar plus development near town of 16 single-family homes on Rosemary Lane that the developer is yet again allowed to “pay the fee in lieu ($146,432) of building affordable units.” Why does City Council continue to allow this cop-out?

Since 2008, when Council enacted the Fair Share ordinance, our community has certainly not been treated fairly. While tearing out our collective hair, decrying the lack of affordable housing for our workforce and younger professionals, a clear and painfully obvious solution is completely fixable: Dissolve this ordinance and force developers to set aside a small percentage of their units or building sites at affordable prices.

Remember 2011 when Twin Buttes originally promised that it would make 16% of its homes affordable? That remained a concept only, not even remotely a reality. We all know the definition of insanity, yet look at Three Springs, when again the city could have insisted on developers setting aside land for affordable units.

Do the math: These new homes will cost between $1,035,000 and $1,248,000 times 16. The fee to avoid building affordable units is $146,432 – for all 16 units, not for a single unit! So the percentage is a pittance and scandalous. Fabulous profit. Please elect councilors who are fully solution-oriented. Amend the language of this ordinance today versus waiting for paying consultants to do it. I’m happy to help.

Fifteen years is beyond long enough to recognize a bad decision and fix it. Our workforce deserves better.

Stephanie Moran
