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Parade homes need to be energy efficient

Over the past decades, natural disasters have increased in number and severity due to climate change. We need to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by the burning of fossil fuels to have a livable future for our kids. Heating, cooling and lighting contribute 28% of CO2 generated nationwide – the same amount as the transportation sector. Yet, while cars have had energy efficiency ratings for many decades, no such data is required for homes despite that buying a home is by far the greatest expense undertaken by families.

The catalogue of this year’s Parade of Homes starting on Sept. 23 and organized by the Home Builders Association of Southwest Colorado shows many beautiful designs and spaces to live in. But, it does not show that the need for energy efficiency and climate change is taken seriously. While rating systems have been available for decades, there is still only one home in this year’s catalogue that lists any energy efficiency data (built by Mantell-Hecathorn).

These days, shouldn’t all homes be rated? I am encouraging anyone visiting the Parade of Homes to ask builders, Realtors and the Home Builders Association to demonstrate their commitment to a livable future by providing energy efficiency data.

We are in this together, and for our kids’ future we must all do our part!

Werner Heiber, Sustainability Alliance of Southwest Colorado
