Zak Carney, left, and Ryan McCardell, center, compete Thursday night in the Snowdown Beer Pong contest, as Maran Collett watches at the Garage Billiards Hall. Sixty-four teams played in the double-elimination games. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Jerry McBride
Sixty-four teams compete Thursday night in the Snowdown Beer Pong contest at the Garage Billiards Hall. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Jerry McBride
Jared Kasprzak and Haley Carpenter high-five while playing Zak Carney, left, and Ryan McCardell on Thursday night in the Snowdown Beer Pong contest at the Garage Billiards Hall. Sixty-four teams played in the double-elimination games. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)