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Political party membership matters

What an incredibly sad day. Our two parties have given us a pathetic choice for leader. “Activists” of both parties have driven moderate voices from their parties. You can see this in the mass exit of people from the parties to become “independents.” This has left the party activists to select the candidates, and candidates pandering to extremes. Given our choice for leaders, I’m so embarrassed for our country.

I hear many people say they’re an independent as if it's a virtue. I have another view. You’ve sacrificed your voice to the extremes that dominate the two parties. Pick a party, even when you find it offensive, and make your voice heard. Don’t be intimidated by the activists of your chosen party. Choose civil dialogue and respectful demeanor.

Policy matters. Educate yourself on solutions to problems. Get past the fashionable labels of policies and look at how they would function.

We can do better.

John Purser
