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Pray for snow, vote for McHenry, Waddell

Our prayers have been answered; at least for the short term. We all know that our area needs the recent moisture to help alleviate the current drought, but some of us have noticed the additional benefits of the snow. Several political yard signs for Sweetie Marbury and Dick White that might have influenced less-developed brains have been completely covered by the recent abundant snowfall. However, this snow melted quickly.

In this context, I ask everyone to pray for more snow: A prayer for more snow could be a prayer for Durango’s future.

I’m sure Marbury and White meant well, but they obviously still don’t know how the real world operates outside of the confines of the classroom and the ever-expanding governmental bureaucracy.

If you want to endorse the drought on our everyday rights (example: bag ban tax), pray and vote for that drought. If you want councilors who can think beyond decades in the confines of a classroom, pray for snow and vote for the very competent new candidates for Durango City Council.

I just looked outside, and it’s starting to snow again: You, voters, are awesome.

Roger Steinberg


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