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Prosecute NRA for abetting gun violence

The NRA assiduously ignores the Second Amendment’s contextual opening clause, which reads: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state ...” To the detriment of public safety and to suit their own agenda, the NRA misinterprets this clause for the purpose of denying that the government is constitutionally charged with ensuring that militias are well-regulated by making sure that the sale and distribution of firearms are well-regulated.

Toward this end, the NRA disingenuously conflates “regulation” with “abridgement of the right to bear” and has used this obfuscation in its propaganda to undermine government regulation of firearms. Because fear and insecurity sells weapons, the NRA spreads fear of government tyranny and insecurity concerning gun ownership by propagating hysterical conspiracy theories and lies about the government’s intention to seize everyone’s weapons.

The NRA is primarily a dues-garnering membership scam, and its phony flag-wrapped rhetoric about protecting the Second Amendment is nothing more than self-serving, profit-driven demagoguery, which is an insidious form of tyranny in its own right. The NRA does not represent America or Americans; it represents a hodgepodge of pseudo-patriots, profiteers, and paranoid sociopaths. The NRA is not a protector of American’s constitutional right to bear arms; the NRA is a seditious insurgency of anti-government zealots whose goal it is to spread fear, sell weapons, undermine government authority and create chaos. The NRA is “Not Really American”; the NRA is an enemy within.

For all their obstructionism against efforts to pass common-sense laws that would limit unnecessary gun violence and for the great threat they pose to the “security of a free State,” the NRA and its minions – lobbyists, law-thwarting gun dealers and their many cohorts in anti-government paramilitary organizations – should be prosecuted for encouraging, aiding and abetting random gun violence and domestic terrorism.

Bob Kimmick


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