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Public lands key to local economies

It often has been said that people must speak out in defense of our common land, since it cannot speak for itself. In light of recent attempts to undermine federal protection of public lands, this is true now more than ever.

Some lawmakers are pushing for the privatization of federal lands, but what many don’t realize is that public lands are vital to local economies and small businesses. While we celebrate our great outdoors during National Parks Week, let’s recognize the role these lands play in the success of small businesses and our economy.

Small Business Majority just released an economic report that shows public lands strengthen economies and job markets in Colorado, drawing in tourists, new residents and entrepreneurs who boost the economy and local businesses.

Unfortunately, some policymakers are attempting to pass ownership of national forests to the states to allow for the privatization of these lands. But measures like these don’t do our nation’s job creators any favors.

Preserving our natural assets is good for business, plain and simple. Washington needs to stop playing politics with our nation’s natural assets and continue protecting our public lands, and with them our local economies, now.

Tim Gaudette, Small Business Majority


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