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Purser ‘will bring diversity of thought’

As a former state legislator for southwest Colorado, I’m very aware of the persistent challenge to resist special interest groups. There is a constant need to shed the light of transparency on organizations in order to keep special interests at bay. Having talked with him directly and at length, John Purser’s agenda of policy improvement will provide increased transparency that will help LPEA maintain the confidence of its members.

This is a time of rapidly evolving roles for distribution cooperatives, such as LPEA, and it’s especially important to have a thoughtful and diverse group of thinkers and planners on the board. Purser has a strong background in business and economics, and is an independent thinker. He will bring a needed diversity of thought to our LPEA board. He is also a passionate advocate for the membership at large. These attributes lead me to vote for and endorse John Purser for LPEA District 4.

Ellen S. Roberts
