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Question 1A is modest, needed, overdue

As taxpayers, we are faced with a seemingly unending string of choices; the November ballot presents us with a few more.

However, Question 1A seems like a pretty easy one on which to make an informed decision. As part of this decision, we should ask a two-part question: Have our road and bridge tax support levels kept pace with county growth and inflation, and do our roads need added maintenance and upgrades?

The answer to the first is a resounding “No.” Present support levels (and projected reductions in gas and oil revenues) are inadequate by any measure. Therefore the answer to the second is unfortunately easy. There is no question that because of county population growth and ever-increasing traffic loads, many of our rural roads just can’t continue to handle existing daily traffic volumes safely.

Aside from the acknowledged need for overdue improvements, which would result in better rural road quality, there are other important factors not to be overlooked. There’s the matter of personal safety. An overused and “needy” road can obviously be unsafe, especially when it inadvertently promotes damage, not to mention unsafe and vastly different travel speeds between drivers. And, what about the inability of emergency vehicles to travel quickly where needed – a matter of safety, life and timely response.

And how’s this for a clincher? You’re already paying a “tax” for bad roads! Bad roads cost the average driver in Colorado hundreds of dollars a year in added vehicle maintenance and repair costs. You do maintain your car, don’t you?

Tax increases are unpopular. Nobody likes them. But, as distasteful as an increase in taxes might be, it just makes sense to support this one. The increase is modest, is for a limited period of time, it is needed and is long overdue.

Tim Blake


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