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Records sought in probe of Utah attorney general

Several businessmen say Utah Attorney General John Swallow offered them protection in return for favors.

SALT LAKE CITY – Utah lawmakers investigating Attorney General John Swallow are seeking additional records from Swallow’s office, his campaign consultant and associated political action committees.

The Utah House special investigative committee issued nine subpoenas Friday requesting records about Swallow’s fundraising for his 2012 attorney general campaign.

The subpoenas also seek records of communications Swallow had with computer technicians working for his office and the state.

That request comes on the heels of a report from investigators that a large amount of Swallow’s electronic records are missing.

Jason Powers, Swallow’s campaign consultant, did not immediately return messages Friday. His attorney Wally Bugden said his client intends to cooperate and provide the requested records.

Swallow’s spokesman Ryan Bruckman did not return messages Friday. Swallow’s personal attorney Rod Snow said he has not seen the subpoenas but says he’s troubled by the expanding scope of the investigation.

Lawmakers in the Republican-controlled Utah house launched the investigation this summer to look into misconduct allegations that have surrounded Swallow since he took office in January.

Several Utah businessmen in trouble with regulators have accused Swallow of offering protection in return for favors, including federally indicted businessman Jeremy Johnson.

Swallow, a Republican, has repeatedly denied wrongdoing and says he expects his name will eventually be cleared.

During an initial set of subpoenas, the House investigative committee requested a host of documents from Swallow, including records of any gifts or favors the attorney general received from Johnson and other businessmen.

On Tuesday, the committee’s special counsel Steven Reich told lawmakers that many of those records were missing from Swallow’s work and personal computers.

Swallow and his office disputed that, saying they’ve turned over thousands of records and are working to retrieve anything still missing.

During an interview Thursday with KSL Radio’s Dough Wright, Swallow said he was angry with Reich’s report and worried the lawmakers’ investigation would become political.

Swallow also said he didn’t know how much longer he could continue to spend money on legal fees as the investigation continues.

“If this continues for another year, it will be really tough for us,” Swallow said.

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