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Remembering veterans

This weekend, reflect on those who gave their life in service
American flags at Greenmount Cemetery before Memorial Day services. (Durango Herald file)

Memorial Day events on Monday again focus on gatherings at the Vietnam Memorial in Iris Park on the Animas River at 10 a.m.; at the Veterans Memorial at the entrance to Greenmount Cemetery at 11; and at the bridge behind Rotary Park at 11:45 for the U.S. Navy’s Lost at Sea ceremony.

The flag-filled “Healing Fields” ceremonies at Santa Rita Park occur at 8:30 and 9 p.m. Friday, and at 4 p.m. Monday. The flags are numerous and visible from U.S. Highways 550-160 and from the river trail.

Veterans will take the train to Silverton on Saturday, and the VFW will have an open house on Monday from noon to 3 p.m. At Greenmount Cemetery, flags will be alongside veterans’ headstones during the weekend.

Memorial Day is to remember the military members who lost their lives in the defense of this country in overseas actions large and small and in accidents at home. It is a day to reflect in somber fashion about lives lost, often at a young age. “Happy” Veterans Day is not an appropriate expression.

On Monday, especially, remember those who are not with us because of the service they gave.