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Repeal ‘caged chicken’

As a longtime Democrat, I usually am very supportive of my state officials from my party. But on the prohibition of selling eggs from caged chickens, they blew it. Eggs have already been in short supply due to the bird flu. Now, I am informed that there are no eggs for sale in Durango at any price.

A week ago, we saw eggs as high as $7 per dozen, which is absurd. But now, on the eve of the “caged chicken” prohibition, there are none. I ask our elected officials to be a bit sensitive to us consumers. Already, shortages in supply and labor have made it difficult to live here. Now, it is becoming ridiculous!

I call on our elected officials to immediately repeal the “caged chicken” ban on eggs to help those of us who want to live here to do so. I have read everything I can find on this law, and it is very confusing (to say the least) even for those of us who have law degrees. In Durango, we already have supply outages at our grocery stores (of which there are way too few), and extreme price inflation. And now zero eggs?

Our elected officials should be working to increase supplies of necessities here, not strangling them.

Richard H. Ruth
