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Republicans are afraid of everything

It is amazing to watch the supporters behind President Donald Trump at his rallies. They look like an all-white rendition of the Village People with their moronic costumes and behavior. Everything Trump says, they cheer, without really understanding him.

He slams Obama, they cheer. Shutting down the government and closing the southern border, they cheer. If Trump told them he was stopping their Medicare, social security and welfare checks, they would cheer.

They are clueless and scared. Republicans are afraid of facts and almost everything else – NATO, clean energy, reading the Mueller report. The Christian right would rather settle for Trump than a fair, understanding man like Obama just because he is a Democrat.

How can parents support and praise this when their kids are learning his kind of behavior from listening to them? We are breeding a culture of liars and cheats with Trump as their godhead.

By making his tax cuts, he has enriched himself by tens of millions of dollars. Don’t the elite have a responsibility to share their wellbeing with those less fortunate instead of taking more and more wealth?

My grandfather was an old school Republican who believed in charity, honesty and Christian love. That has been lost to these modern-day Republicans.

Gerry Fleming
