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Reusable bags a great gift

Are you still trying to figure out presents for your friends and family? Here's something that everyone in our state is going to need next year: reusable shopping bags! Yes, a new state law (HB21-1162) mandates that starting in 2024, we must bring our own carryout bags to most stores in Colorado. By Jan. 1, 2023, a store may furnish a recycled paper carryout bag or a single-use plastic for 10 cents.

So, get everyone you know some reusable bags and save them money. Please, try to avoid further use of plastics by getting bags made out of recycled materials. You can also repurpose many old clothing items (like blue jeans and t-shirts) into unique shopping bags; instructions can be found on Google or YouTube.

Join in Colorado's efforts to reduce plastic pollution and get those on your gift list something they will actually need. Our planet thanks you!

Dot Wehrly
