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Road work may pinch downtown parking spots

Skyridge, Hillcrest also due for repairs next week

The city of Durango has a couple road projects happening that will impact area parking.

Crews will start repainting center lines and lane lines on city streets starting Monday and going through Thursday. Some parking will be affected in areas along East Third Avenue and east Eighth Street.

Vehicles parked in the designated no-parking areas will be towed at the owners’ expense.

Crews will be working from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Drivers are asked to try to avoid driving across the wet paint, obey traffic controls and be considerate of workers, a city news release said.

The city also is reconstructing streets in the Skyridge and Hillcrest neighborhoods. Residents should expect parking restrictions and traffic delays during the day.

All parking restrictions will be posted a minimum of 24 hours in advance, a news release said. Work is expected to continue through June 13.

The streets to be reconstructed include:

Jenkins Ranch Road between Goeglein Gulch Road and Ophir Drive.

Coalbank Drive.

Hillcrest Drive to the end of the pavement.

Jenkins Drive.

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