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Rotary Club of Durango meet July 18

The Rotary Club of Durango’s next meeting starts at 6 p.m. July 18 at the Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave. The meeting will feature Grant Wilson as speaker. This event is open to the public.

Wilson, executive director of the Earth Law Center, will speak about international, regional and local developments, including rights of nature campaigns in the Rocky Mountains. Wilson will also discuss a movement to secure corporate board seats for non-humans through proxies.

The Earth Law Center nonprofit focuses on giving nature and future generations a formal voice in the legal system. Wilson is an expert on the Rights of Nature, earth law and international environmental law. He earned a J.D. with a Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law from Lewis & Clark Law School.

Those not part of the club who want more information or want to attend should contact Bruce Rodman: mtnman16@gmail.com. The club’s facebook is @DurangoRotary.