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RV Park ‘future zoning nightmare’

Would you like Tico Time Resort RV Park in your backyard?

That’s what’s on the line for neighboring communities in Animas Valley.

Roberts RV Resorts have been in business 50 years with most of its locations along U.S. freeways. “Durango Village Camp” would be located at the Animas River at Trimble Lane and County Road 250.

It would be a “luxury” RV Park and Adventure Cabin with a transient community. “Luxury” means more amenities, such as clubhouses, pools, music venues, pickleball courts, river access, etc.

Recently in The Durango Herald, there was an article about the change in zoning and regulation of the train station at Rockwood Estates. The county argues that the change in zoning is subject to regulation because the property “constitutes an extension, betterment or addition” to the past zoning.

Therefore, the county is obligated to address the local impact of neighboring communities at the old gravel pit being rezoned to commercial.

What impact does the increase of automobiles, trailers, people and pets have on our infrastructure, public utilities, roads, bridges, environmental, sound impact with dogs barking and possibly attacking wildlife.

The first step in approval has no designation for a dog park. Pedestrian and dogs added to neighboring communities become a security and sanitation issue. E coli bacteria and waste from humans and dogs with river access?

The county needs to zone this gravel pit residential to go with surrounding communities because this is a generational change and a future zoning nightmare.

Marian Townsend
