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Ryan wins support from hardline group

Caucus to back his bid for speaker’s job
Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., center, began meeting with Republican caucus groups in the House on Wednesday, trying to shore up support for his bid to be the House’s consensus candidate for the speaker’s post. He is with Freedom Caucus member Rep. Alex Mooney, R-W.Va.

WASHINGTON – The hardline House Freedom Caucus said Wednesday it is supporting Rep. Paul Ryan for speaker of the House, all but guaranteeing he’ll get the job.

The group of around three dozen rebellious conservatives held off on an official endorsement because it couldn’t muster the 80 percent agreement such an announcement would require.

Support from the group was not certain since they’ve repeatedly opposed GOP leaders and pushed the current speaker, John Boehner, to announce his resignation.

Several members of the group had raised concerns about Ryan. But after meeting behind closed doors Wednesday night, the lawmakers emerged to say they would support him.

The Wisconsin congressman, a reluctant candidate for the post, has been asked to run by mainstream party leaders seeking to resolve a crisis set in motion when compromise-averse conservatives pushed Boehner to resign and then pressured his likely successor into withdrawing.

The same intraparty divide is roiling the Republicans’ presidential campaign, with outsiders led by Donald Trump dominating the field for months.

On Wednesday, some House members took issue with Ryan’s suggested changes to congressional rules and even his desire to balance family life with the demands of the job.

“No other speaker candidate came in and said here’s the list of my demands, either meet those or I’m not going to do this,” Rep. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, a member of the hardline caucus, complained the day after Ryan outlined the conditions for his candidacy. “Speaker’s a big job. And it’s not a 9-to-5 job. So there are a lot of questions to be answered.”

Ryan began making the rounds to the three major House caucuses whose endorsements he is seeking as a condition for running for speaker. It’s a job the 45-year-old never wanted but is exploring, he says, out of a sense of duty after Boehner announced his resignation and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy abruptly withdrew from the running to replace him.

Ryan has made clear that he does not want to be the latest victim of Republican dysfunction and will run only if it becomes clear he can unify the House GOP.

“I won’t be the third log on the bonfire,” he said.

Boehner, who hopes to leave Congress at the end of this month, sought to move the process forward, scheduling secret-ballot House GOP elections for Oct. 28, to be followed by a floor vote in the full House the next day.

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