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Schell has experience, expertise for LPEA

Tom Compton has been a valuable member of the LPEA board representing District 2. Because Tom is not running for re-election, we have an opportunity to place someone on the board who has many years of experience in the energy field. That person is Lori Schell.

I have known Lori for over 20 years and have seen the things that she has accomplished in her professional life. She has spent much of her career working with engineers and lawyers, helping them understand each other’s perspectives. This is a skill that will work well on the current LPEA board.

Lori’s experience and knowledge in alternative energy sources and how to fairly price them, as well as her experience in data analysis, will help the board understand the trade-offs involved.

Please vote Lori Schell for District 2.

Dale W. Suran


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