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Sharpton one of country’s biggest racists

I cannot believe a major television corporation allows Al Sharpton to rant and complain about racism in the United States.

Years ago, he defended a young black woman in New York City who swore she was raped by two white men. Further investigation proved she was a liar, and a local troublemaker. Sharpton ended up with an egg on his face.

Several years later, he assisted another young black woman who lied under oath in New York City, claiming she was raped by white men. Again, Sharpton lost his case, amid his racist ranting.

His biggest lust case was defending a young black stripper who claimed she was raped by members of a lacrosse team. She was later arrested for making false accusations in court and in the national media. She was later arrested as a past felon. Now, Sharpton is all over George Zimmerman trying to prove the young man is a felon and a murderer. He is constantly bellowing on national television that black people are being terrorized by the white population in our country. This man reputed to be a minister (check this qualification out) is, by and large, one of the biggest racists in the United States. You can see his rancor and bias on television as he spits out his tirades against whites, Hispanics and other normal American citizens.

William R. Smith


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