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Sheldon will work creatively for 9-R

I’m writing to ask your readers to vote for Matt Sheldon in the upcoming school board election. I met Matt 11 years ago when I left my rural Colorado home to attend college in Colorado Springs, thanks to a generous scholarship. While I spend most of my time overseas serving our great nation, I was excited to hear Matt was running for the school board back home in Colorado.

Matt is a humble, hard-working guy who knows how to overcome challenges. He would never brag that he combined his speed and intelligence to become an academic all-American in cross-country. Next to his loyalty and integrity, Matt’s humility is one of his best attributes.

Matt is a hard worker, he is passionate about education, and he has experience working with local youth.

When you elect Matt Sheldon, you’re getting someone who will work to creatively solve the challenges facing the school district and use common sense to avoid fixing things if they ain’t broken.

Please do vote for Matt Sheldon.

Brian Hall

Alexandria, VA

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