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Sheriff Schirard manages office well

I am a sergeant at the La Plata County Sheriff’s Office with 26 years in law enforcement. I began my career in 1988 at the Texas A&M law-enforcement academy, and my wife and I moved our family to Durango in March 2001. My three kids graduated from Durango High School, and I am very proud of where I live and of where I work. I have friends on all sides of the political spectrum and when asked why they should support Duke Schirard, I am happy to explain.

Sheriff Schirard understands the dynamics of managing the Sheriff’s Office responsibilities and safety of his staff with the expectations of our residents. It is because of his knowledge and understanding, along with care for his employees and the residents of this county, that he has been a five-term sheriff, and he’s accomplished this throughout the years without slick talk or smoke screens. From an employee’s perspective, I can say Schirard makes his stance on our responsibilities very clear: We are here to serve and protect the residents of La Plata County and expected to be professional and respectful in our job performance. This is not always an easy task to perform; after all, how often does someone call the Sheriff’s Office when things are going great? We are called upon when situations deteriorate, and we usually see people at their worst.

I can honestly say I have met some of the best people during their worst times, none of whom would want to be judged for their actions that day. When I put my badge on, I am representing Sheriff Schirard, and I hope that the residents I have dealt with witness the dignity, respect and professionalism Schirard embodies and expects from each of his employees.

I am proud of my boss Duke Schirard, and I am truly disgusted with the recent personal attacks on a man who is genuine and displays true character and leadership – not only to me but to so many others at the Sheriff’s Office and in this community. Vote Schirard!

Charles Hamby


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