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Snowdown Light Parade draws thousands to Main Avenue

Celebrating starts early with Champagne Pong, Waiter/Waitress Race

Durango’s collective blood-alcohol content was on the rise Friday as Snowdown participants started indulging in libations well before noon. Here is a roundup of Friday’s biggest attractions:

Snowdown Light Parade

Durango held a lavish party downtown Friday night for the Snowdown Light Parade as thousands of people crowded Main Avenue dressed in their finest duds for the occasion.

Spectators could not have asked for better weather. Temperatures hovered around a balmy 50 degrees – and the only snow in sight was on the floats.

Sixty ritzy floats covered in lights dazzled the crowd, each competing for awards such as “Best Lights,” “Judges’ Favorite” and “WTF Award.”

“There are some great floats because you can really embellish them this year,” said parade coordinator Chip Lile. “People are really bringing it.”

Many floats opted for a more unique twist on Snowdown’s theme, “A Black Tie Affair.” Santé’s float featured people dressed in tuxedos wearing dog masks, closely mirroring the famous “Dogs Playing Poker” painting.

The party did not stop with the end of the parade as the crowd poured into the streets, likely in search of their martini, “shaken, not stirred.”

Waiter/Waitress Race

Being a successful waiter or waitress often means being able to hustle, a skill that was put to the test at the Waiter/Waitress Race outside Steamworks Brewing Co. Servers from Durango’s favorite local restaurants competed in an obstacle course combining balance, speed and style to determine the town’s superior wait staff. The timed course – which incorporated Snowdown’s theme with top hats and bow ties – required participants to call on their serving expertise as they tapped kegs and carried a tray of drinks while walking a balance beam.

Snowdown Champagne Pong

Durangoans at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 403 were comfortably numb by noon as they participated in a raucous game of champagne pong – similar to beer pong, but classier. The VFW was packed with participants as more than 60 people danced, sang and sipped champagne while dressed in their finest gowns and tuxedos. The rules were simple: Players take turns tossing a table tennis ball into their opponent’s champagne-filled cups. Once a ball lands in a cup, the cup is taken away and the opponent drinks the champagne.

For more Snowdown coverage, visit

Feb 2, 2018
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