On Dec. 4, the City Planning Commission will consider names for the street that enters Camino Del Rio from River City Hall and Durango’s fire station. City Council will vote on this in January.
I’m asking Durango’s citizens to actively support naming the street after Greg Hoch, the retired director of Planning and Community Development, who joined the department in 1981 and led for 29 years! This honor would be well-deserved and is long overdue.
For over 29 years, Greg guided the growth and character of Durango from offices at River City Hall, serving under 28 mayors and three city managers. There is no doubt that Durango would not be the wonderful, well-planned community it is were it not for his vision, commitment to our community, solid leadership, and exhaustive efforts to guide our growth and development.
Then, six years into retirement, Greg engaged his knowledge and passion for the historic Durango, and led the petition efforts that resulted in the fire station expanding in its current location and not behind historic Third Avenue. Durango is finally on its way to having an adequate fire station. This would not have happened without Greg Hoch’s efforts.
Write to Durango’s Planning Department, (Daniel.Murray@durangogov.org) preferably by Wednesday, but definitely before Dec. 4, encouraging naming the street Greg Hoch Way.
Attend the virtual only Planning Commission meeting Dec. 4, and speak to support this, https://www.durangogov.org/meetings for more information.
Let’s show appreciation for someone who served us so well.
Antonia Clark