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‘Stars and Stripes can resume: Freedom, light, hope’

Vice President Kamala Harris, soon to be the Democrat nominee for president, is a game changer. This is a win for America’s democracy and a loss for Donald Trump’s dictatorship. The Stars and Stripes can resume what it has represented for more than 200 years: Freedom, light and hope.

Trump’s entire life has been based on lies and hate. His VP nomination of J.D. Vance will be a disaster for the Republican Party. Vance said that he was a “Never Trumper” and likened Trump to Adolf Hitler. But now he is a “Trumper” and he is working for a Hitler. What a hypocrite. Vance is the male version of hate like Marjorie Green is for women. What a nasty creature.

Trump could have nominated a women or a minority but instead went to the tried and true Republican standard of an all-white male good ’ole boy ticket. Times are changing and Trump’s power is on the decline.

The vast majority of Americans, especially women and minorities, are rejoicing at this news. The only worrisome problem is what Trump’s corrupt Supreme Court judges, led by Chief “Injustice” Roberts, and Clarence “Bribe me” Thomas would do.

They could be strategizing on how to disqualify Harris. His judges have cleared a pathway for Trump’s dictatorship, ruined their reputations and will lose their “bonuses,” if Trump doesn’t win.

“We the people” don’t want a convicted felon, racist and sexual predator back in the White House. Think of your children’s future. Think of peace and unity.

Timothy Fleming

Bloomfield, New Mexico