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‘Story on Republican losses missed factor’

The story on Republican losses in La Plata County missed an important factor in the Democrat dominance in the county elections.

In District 3 (Bayfield, Ignacio and Vallecito), the Democrat candidate in the past 28 years has failed to beat the Republican candidate within the geographical area of the district. Many times, the Democrat never even carried the district of residence! That same fact holds true in District 1 in the last two election cycles. In other words, the city of Durango is represented by three Democratic county commissioners.

When the subject of district voting came up at the state Capitol, local Democratic party members testified by phone in opposition to changing the law, as reported by The Durango Herald. These are the same Democrats that claim democracy is on the ballot.

Perhaps a local Democratic spokesperson can explain how Clyde Church lost by 700 votes within the boundaries of District 1 to Brad Blake in 2016. And after city of Durango votes were counted, Church won by fewer than 30 votes is preserving democracy.

If I had to guess, the immigrants from California escaping high taxes and the youth vote that was bribed with the promise of tuition forgiveness were major factors in this election.

Dennis Pierce
