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Support from community overwhelming

I am writing this with tears in my eyes and a heart that is overflowing.

Our family was displaced by the fire in our townhomes on June 14. We have received with open arms the abundant sympathy and support from family, friends and strangers.

As a Durango native, I knew our community was strong. However, this experience has opened my eyes to the kindness and the good people that make up our wonderful town. We are in awe from the amount of notes full of encouragement, clothes and toys, household items, furniture and gift cards.

Having this uplifting support from our friends and the community has made getting back on our feet and starting over a bright part of our young family’s story. Thank you to all from Arawyn, Ik, Daniel and Tabetha Madu!

A very special thank you to the Durango Fire Department, Durango Police, Red Cross, the families at my school Rivendell EEC, my salsa dancing crew, all the Zumba instructors and my Zumba ladies, the employees at the La Plata County Clerks office, the patrons at Colorado Pongas, the employees of Durango Motor Company, St. Columba, Armadillo Storage, Rocky Mountain Children’s Co., Nature’s Oasis, Carver Brewing Co., Balcony Bar & Grill, the Durango Community Recreation Center, Trimble Hot Springs, JC Penny, Cedra 7 Cantina, The Family Center and Kiwanis Club of Durango.

Arawyn Madu
