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Support Unger for LPEA District 4

Whether you care about local job creation, more local control of energy, or climate change, your vote in the LPEA election matters. In District 4 we have a highly competent and forward-thinking candidate in Guinn Unger.

With a background in electrical engineering, small business, and computer software development and consulting, Unger has the knowledge and skills to renegotiate the terrible contract LPEA has with Tri-State Generation and Transmission.

That contract limits LPEA to five percent locally generated energy, which means we send most of our energy dollars out of our community to Tri-State. Tri-State burns mostly coal and is rated the fourth dirtiest energy supplier in the U.S.

Energy utilities are undergoing rapid change, and our region should be a leader in clean energy, especially solar. Developing new clean energy sources will create jobs and keep our dollars for electricity in the community. With the price of solar arrays plummeting, solar already competes well with coal and natural gas, and could be even lower cost in the future.

We need Guinn Unger's passion and vision for more locally controlled and locally generated renewable energy.

William L. Baker
