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Surely we are better than this

I am not writing this to support any political candidate. I am writing this to make a point about something that needs to change in our country. After taking a hiatus for a few months, an anonymous/nameless Twitter site is up again and is insulting and mocking and trying to humiliate a political candidate for U.S. Congress (whom I do not support). It is called “Fake Rachel Barnhart.”

This kind of thing really bothers me and offends my sense of human decency, fairness, respect, and justice. I am known for having a good sense of humor, but I find nothing funny about publically mocking and insulting someone and making accusations such as that she has an “outsized ego” (as if that is some kind of rarity among political candidates) and is somehow a “prom queen.” No one deserves to be treated like that whether or not the accusations are at all valid and justifiable.

This mocker and insulter should at least put his/her name to this rather than being anonymous and nameless. That seems cowardly. I am putting my name to this letter. Why doesn’t this person do the same?

This is not how we should be treating each other in this country. Surely, we are better than this.

Stewart B. Epstein

Rochester, N.Y.