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Take time to learn others’ stories

I’m writing this in hopes of opening people’s eyes, minds and hearts. I was recently quoted in a story about the homeless community (Herald, May 22), and the story was followed by many hateful comments, some of which were directed toward me. Some people are so quick to judge and make assumptions because of the word “homeless.” Nowhere in the story did it say that I panhandle or fly signs. For those who do, I don’t judge them. Everyone does what they need to do to survive another day. Even the other people in the photo weren’t panhandling. They were selling handmade jewelry and playing guitar, working for their money.

I’ve lived in Durango on and off since 2007. I’ve put in six years of work at restaurants and do random jobs such as landscaping, nannying, cleaning houses, taking care of animals and even playing guitar downtown. I’ve put a lot into this community and have helped many people. During my time here, I’ve couch-surfed, lived in my car and in the woods and rented a few apartments.

Everyone, at some point in time in their life, needs a helping hand. Those who have time to make judgemental assumptions and post hateful comments toward others also have time to take a step back and learn what it is to be a decent human being, instead of hurting people with selfish acts. Everyone has their struggles, and everyone has a story. I suggest others take the time to ask questions and find out what those stories are. To judge someone not knowing anything about them is to say you hate a book that you’ve never read. Who knows, it could turn out to be one of your favorite stories.

I think this topic is very important and would love to further discuss it, plus answer any questions or curiosities anyone may have. Feel free to contact me through facebook.com/shaley.murphy.35. Remember, we are all one. Let’s see what positive change we can make as a community.

Shaley Murphy


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