Durango Herald file
Durango Herald file
Durango Herald file
Durango Herald file
Durango Herald file
Durango Herald file
Durango Herald file
Durango Herald file
Herald staff
Fort Lewis College will open its football season Friday in a unique night game played off-campus at the Durango High School stadium. Along with the Skyhawks, FLC will bring its Civil War-era cannon to be fired after FLC scores. The “boom” can typically be heard in Durango when the cannon is fired on campus at FLC’s Ray Dennison Memorial Field, but Durangoans will be much more aware of the noise after the game against New Mexico Highlands University kicks off at 6 p.m.
Jun 8, 2015
Skyhawks ready to make a little noise
Feb 10, 2014
Bringing back the boom