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Tax burden should be equally shared

Why do our county commissioners look at raising taxes on business and property owners to pay for needed road and bridge improvements, and the airport expansion?

Property and business owners are already helping to pay for schools, cemeteries, libraries, fire departments, human services, water, etc. We cannot expect property and business owners to pay the cost of these expensive services, too.

We also need to consider our senior citizens who are on fixed incomes and own property. If we all benefit from these services, then we should all pay a fair share.

In regards to the airport expansion, what percentage of passengers will use the airport more after expansion? We all know people who travel to Denver or Albuquerque to fly to their destinations because they cannot afford the additional cost of flying out of Durango. Will just having a larger airport persuade those flyers to use a new, improved local airport?

We hear that La Plata County has the third-lowest property taxes in the state, but how do we compare in terms of per capita income and the percentage of residents who own property or businesses?

Certainly there are pros and cons to most ideas on how to best pay for needed services. How about a tax that will ensure that all who benefit will pay a fair share? It should be thought about.

Diane Peck


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