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Thank your local emergency medical practitioner

In its 40th year, National Emergency Services Week, May 18 through May 24, honors hundreds of thousands of emergency medical service practitioners who provide the first response and often life-saving medical attention in our national health-care system.

Established by President Gerald Ford in 1973, EMS week is a gesture of gratitude for those on the frontline of health care, who respond 24 hours a day with care to the 25 million emergency transportations each year in the United States.

Many emergency medical service personnel, especially in rural areas, are volunteer.

EMS coordinator for Southwest Colorado Community College, T. Troy Salazar, said the special designation offers an opportunity for communities to show their appreciation.

“This is the week to thank those people,” he said. “Durango has paid and volunteer responders, and we all work the same.”

The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians has set up a website with tools and resources to promote support for EMS week, at www.emsweekideas.org.

Salazar said, no matter obstacles, emergency medical responders are there when the calls come in.

“These are the people who are getting up at 2 and 3 in the morning and taking care of the car accidents. They are the ones helping out,” he said.


May 18, 2014
Emergency responders tell why they love their job

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