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Thanks to Bennet for mine cleanup bill

In response to the Herald’s article, “New legislation would address abandoned mine pollution in Southwest Colorado” (Feb. 4), Trout Unlimited would like to heartily thank Sen. Michael Bennet for his leadership on this issue over the years, and for his current cosponsorship of bipartisan Good Samaritan legislation.

It is far past time this vital legislation finally resolves the issue of permanent liability for Good Samaritans who, like Trout Unlimited, didn’t create the pollution, but are well-qualified and wish to perform voluntary mine cleanups at low-risk abandoned mines.

Included in the recently passed infrastructure law was the creation of a new abandoned hardrock mine remediation program to tackle the massive problem of acid mine pollution in the rivers of the West. The law authorizes Congress to fund the program at $3 billion for the first three years. Once congressional appropriations provide the funding, only Good Samaritan legislation is needed to complete the suite of tools necessary to finally put an end to constant and toxic pollution from abandoned mines. We know all too well here in the Animas River watershed what acid mine pollution can do to our rivers.

While Superfund is being employed near Silverton for the worst polluting mines upriver, dozens of other abandoned mines in the Animas headwaters have no legal way for anyone, including the Environmental Protection Agency, to take them on. Good Samaritan legislation is that fix.

Thank you again, Sen. Bennet.

Pauline E. Ellis

president, Five Rivers Chapter, Trout Unlimited