8:28 a.m. A person with a warrant turned themselves in at the Durnago Police Department, 990 East Second Ave.
2:10 p.m. A person at a bus stop in the 1100 block of South Camino del Rio was arrested on a warrant.
5:01 p.m. A man at the Durango Transit Center, 250 W. Eighth St., was arrested on suspicion of violating a protection order.
5:16 p.m. Four people drinking from an alcohol bottle in Town Plaza, 1000 Camino del Rio, were arrested on suspicion of possessing an open container.
8:47 p.m. A man punching a dumpster near the intersection of 10th Street and Narrow Gauge Avenue was arrested on suspicion of violating a protection order.
8:34 p.m. A person on County Road 215 was arrested on suspicion of violating bail.
2:21 a.m. A person on East Animas Road (County Road 250) was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence.
12:21 a.m. A person on Farmington Hill was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence.
Firefighters and medics responded to 10 calls Tuesday, including six EMS calls, a car crash cleanup and a scheduled transport.
Most items in this column are taken from logs of calls made to authorities. Their accuracy may not have been verified by an investigation.