11:32 a.m. A person who was allegedly trespassing at the Twin Buttes Speedway, 20453 U.S. Highway 160 west, was arrested on a warrant.
5:04 p.m. A man at the Durango Transit Center, 250 West Eighth St., was arrested for trespassing.
7:04 p.m. A person near Big Picture High School, 150 Tech Center Drive, was arrested for child abuse.
9:55 p.m. A person found driving uphill in reverse near the intersection of Tipple Avenue and Bell Flower Court was arrested for driving under the influence.
11:36 p.m. A person found near Durango Police Department, 990 East Second Ave., was arrested for illegal camping.
Firefighters and medics responded to 19 calls on Monday, including 16 EMS calls.
Most items in this column are taken from logs of calls made to authorities. Their accuracy may not have been verified by an investigation.