Regional News

The Blotter, Dec. 7-8

Durango Police Department

1:20 a.m. A woman found sleeping near the Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave., was arrested for illegal camping.

1:52 a.m. A person at the Strater Hotel, 699 Main Ave., was arrested for illegal camping.

2:02 a.m. A person on the 1100 block of Narrow Gauge Avenue was arrested for trespassing.

2:11 a.m. A person on the 1100 block of Narrow Gauge Avenue was arrested on a warrant.


11:40 a.m. A car crash where one vehicle sideswiped another vehicle near the intersection of U.S. Highway 160 and Camino del Rio resulted in a citation.

8:44 p.m. A person on the 1100 block of South Camino del Rio was arrested on a warrant.

Most items in this column are taken from logs of calls made to authorities. Their accuracy may not have been verified by an investigation.

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