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The Golden Age of America begins right now

The words from Trump at his inaugural address will truly ring true. He may have just said, “the Gilded Age begins now,” as that is what is ahead.

Greedy, insatiable tech barons seated at his throne in full display. Their wealth exceeds that of the robber barons in the Gilded Age.

His election success was truly all about blowing up the status quo.

Two-thirds of Democrats and 80% of Republicans say the government serves itself and the powerful over ordinary Americans. Two-thirds of all Americans say the economic system favors the wealthy.

The Senate of millionaires and billionaires and the lobbyists who work for them, none represent the interests of the constituents who voted them in.

This anger and rage he directed at the least influential group; immigrants, whom most live in dire poverty and do jobs no one else would.

Our corporate media capitalized on his rants and public rage. His first great corrupt window to the next four years was the billions he made on crypto before taking office.

His mandate to enhance corporate tyranny and create an ugly society based on hatred and fear, all for myself and nothing for anyone else, who can live in that?

We see homeless numbers greater than the Great Depression. We only have to revisit history to see how capitalists take power over and over and this time we have corruption on steroids.

Diane Birmingham

Grand Junction