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The Little Girl

(A true story, March 2016.)

And God said to the five-year-old,

young one I give you strength,

of adult to swim the pool,

the entire pool’s great length.

For in the pool your mother struggles,

seizure she has had,

and I will cast you in the water,

you must fight the bad.

So the little girl jumped in,

and stroked for mother hard,

and reaching her she grabbed her collar,

towing her to side and yard.

On she stroked with mother towed,

mother head lifted high,

lest she should suck the water in,

and drown and yes to die.

Finally she made the side,

and lifted mother up,

and ran and got her sisters quick

so they could take next step.

And the mother lives this day,

because of little girl,

and strength of God she showed that day,

His love and hers unfurled.

And in their love I stand in awe.

William Thomas Elliott

Hot Springs, South Dakota